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Silicon Nitrimide, Si2N3H

Although silicon di-imide can be heated gently in an inert atmosphere without decomposition, it loses ammonia when heated in nitrogen to 900° C., yielding the nitrimide, a substance of unknown constitution, thus:

2Si(NH)2 = Si2N3H + NH3.

The product is an amorphous powder, stable towards water. When it is heated to 1200°-1300° C. it loses the hydrogen remaining in it as ammonia, and leaves a residue of nitride, thus:

3Si2N3H = 2Si3N4 + NH3.

Making certain assumptions as to the constitution of the nitrimide and nitride, this change may be represented tentatively as follows, from Nitrimide to Nitride:

(NSi-NH-SiN)3 → (NSi-N=Si=N-)3 + 3H → (NSi-N=Si=N-)2 + (NSi-)2 + NH3 → (NSi-N=Si=N-SiN)2 + NH3

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