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Silicobromoform, SiHBr3

Silicobromoform (Tribromosilicane), SiHBr3, is formed similarly to silicochloroform by the action of hydrogen bromide on crude silicon prepared from silica and magnesium, and is freed from the tetrabromide by fractional distillation. Silicobromoform is a colourless liquid which boils at 115°-117° C. (Gattermann or 109°-111° C. (Besson) (CHBr3 boils at 151° C.); it does not solidify at -60° C.

Its vapour ignites spontaneously in the air; and the liquid reacts with water, forming, when kept cool, silicoformic anhydride. Silicobromoform appears to form additive compounds with ammonia and phosphine.

According to von Mahn pentabromosilico ethane, Si2HBr5, is formed by the interaction of silicane and bromine, and forms colourless needles which melt at 89° C., the boiling-point of the liquid being 230° C.

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